Online tutoring
Learn Japanese like a local
My name is Kevin and I’ll help you on your journey to speak Japanese.
Do you prefer 1 to 1 tutoring or just general speaking?
I offer private lessons tailored for your need or speaking classes that encourages room to fail, let me know how I can best help you!

Private lessons
Tailored Japanese tutoring
This is a tailored lesson to help you with specific needs or to push you to new heights when it comes to speaking Japanese. A lesson will typically be supported by official learning curves for Japanese. My goal is to ensure that you get as much out of our lesson as possible. Whether you are a beginner or well rounded Japanese learner, I am sure we can increase you knowledge together.
Discount on multiple lessons
Accept all levels
Accept all ages

Speaking class
Group Japanese speaking
I want to see you converse Japanese outside of the classroom as quickly as possible! The best way to do so is to participate in a comfortable speaking environment with other students. Our focus will be to converse daily things like music, news, food etc in Japanese. It will be you and up to three other students. This will give you an unfiltered and effective way to really drill grammar, vocabulary, slang and pronunciation.
join up as a single or as a group
Guaranteed individual learning curve
A fail often approach