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kevinvin Blog

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Jan 15, 20214 min read
ないものねだり you are asking for the moon
if someone wants to be taller or more cute or cats, say this phrase, meaning "s/he is asking for the moon". ないものねだり naimononedari ない nai...

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Jan 10, 20212 min read
ラブラブですね you are lovely couple
A unique phrase we invented from English is used for lovely, cute couple. ラブラブですね raburabu desune ①You guys are sweet/lovely couple...

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Jan 5, 20212 min read
ポンコツですね you are totally useless
A cute expression which says, "you are useless" with some affection towards the person. ポンコツ ponkotsu A word is an onomatopoeia, which...

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Dec 22, 20202 min read
3 things that make Japanese christmas special
In japan, Christmas has been widely celebrated , but in a quit unique way. We developed our own Christmas tradition, which you may find...

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Dec 15, 20203 min read
私ペーパードライバーです I am an inexperienced driver
An unique phrase that literally says "I'm a paper driver", indicating your driver’s license is nothing but papers and you can't actually...

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Dec 8, 20203 min read
もう死んでもいい I'm so happy I could die
If you are so happy that saying "happy" isn't enough, say this! It means "It's ok to die already". Kevinvin Japanese offers a private lesson

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Dec 3, 20203 min read
ぴえん🥺 feeling sad
This is an onomatopoeia which resembles the sound when you are crying and it is used by young people to show sadness or joy by crying....

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Nov 29, 20202 min read
脈ありですよ She is interested in you
This is a very common yet unique way to say someone is interested in you in a romantic way. It actually means “S/he has a pulse” or “S/he...

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Nov 28, 20202 min read
社会の窓空いてますよ your fly is open
This is a funny way to say someones zipper is open. It actually means "your social window is open" This word "social window" comes from...

Kevin Tamura Bjørge
Nov 25, 20202 min read
お世話になっております polite greeting
When you don't know how to be polite especially on email, please use it to start the passage and you're all fine!! We always say this...
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