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私ペーパードライバーです I am an inexperienced driver

Writer: Kevin Tamura BjørgeKevin Tamura Bjørge

An unique phrase that literally says "I'm a paper driver", indicating your driver’s license is nothing but papers and you can't actually drive.


watashi wa peepaa doraibaa desu

ペーパー peepaa = paper

ドライバー doraibaa = driver

 The phrase is categorized as 和製英語 waseieigo "Japanese English". They are Japanese that is made of English word. For example, a word "paper" exists in English, and so does "driver", but "Paper driver" doesn't make sense in English. We love making up words and make it our own😂

ペーパードライバーの使い方 How to use today's phrase


(Peepaa doraibaa dakara unten ga kowai desu)

“I am scared to drive because I am inexperienced driver”


(Ore peepaa doraibaa dakara shikkari tsukamattetene)

“Hold on tight cause I'm am inexperienced driver


(Watashi peepaa desu. Kousoku toka muri desu.)

"I have no experience in driving. Driving highway is out of question."

 You can make the word shorter and say, ペーパー peepaa.

高速 kousoku = shortened from 高速道路 kousokudouro "highway"

無理 muri = I just can't do it./Out of question

今日のポイント Today's Tips

*The phrase is often to describe yourself to make an excuse for not driving when you're with a group of friends etc. 🤣*

”In cities like Tokyo and Osaka, they have a quit developed railway and metro system that we have little necessity for cars. So even though lots of us do have a drivers license but end up being "paper driver”. ← I am one of them 😅

今日の発展版 Today's Advanced Level

Lets learn vocabulary for driving with sentences!


(gasorin stando yotte gasolin irerune)

”I'm going to stop by the gas station to get some fuel.”

ガソリン gasorin = fuel

寄る yoru = to stop by →寄って yotte = te-form


(saiaku mentei ni natta)

"Oh my god. My license was suspended. It sucks"

免停 mentei = shortened from 免許停止 menkyo teishi "license suspention"

免停になる mentei ni naru = to get license suspended

③In a taxi... ここ左折して、まっすぐ行ってください!

(koko sasetsu shite massugu itte kudasai)

"Please turn left hear and drive straight"

左折する sasetsu suru = to turn left

今日のひとこと+ Today's additional lesson



Let's look at some of the examples for Japanese English!

①バイキング(baiking) = buffet

we say バイキング (baiking) for vikings too, but also for buffet, since the first restaurant, that started buffet was called "バイキング(baiking)😲"

②トランプ(toranpu)= cards

The president Trump is トランプ(toranpu)in Japanese, and cards are トランプ too

③サラリーマン(sararii man)= salary + man = business man

④アメリカンドッグ(amerikan doggu)= American + dog = corndog

⑤ペットボトル(petto botoru) = pet +bottle = plastic bottle

⑥オーダーメイド (oo daa meido) = order +made = custom-made

まとめ Conclusion

Today we learned 「私はペーパードライバーです」

watashi wa peepaa doraibaa desu

”I'm an inexperienced driver"

Mastering all these 和製英語 Japanese English is going to take your Japanese to the next level😁

じゃあまた! jyaamata!


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