You usually say this for body parts or behavior you are sexually attracted to.
This is one of the most popular topics to talk about at 飲み会(nomikai) ”drinking party”.
watashi wa 〈body part/ behavior etc.〉fechi desu
フェチの使い方 How to use today's phrase
watashi wa kuchibiru fechi desu
“I have a fetish for lips”
watashi wa koe fechi desu
“I have a fetish for voice”
watashi wa nioi fechi desu
“I have a fetish for smells”
watashi wa futomomo fechi desu
“I have a fetish for thighs”
watashi wa megane fechi desu
“I have a fetish for glasses”
今日のポイント Today's Tips
*You can omit は and です if you are being casual.*
*フェチ(fechi)doesn't necessarily mean you are sexually attracted as in English. It can simply mean that you like that body part a lot and you just like to see just as the phrase is casually used at 飲み会(nomikai) ”drinking party”.*
How to ask for others' fetish?
simply say, なにフェチですか?
nani fechi desuka?
今日の発展版 Today's Advanced Level
If you want to ask what they are attracted to. Then say
isei no donna tokoro ni hikaremasuka?
"What kind of features, the opposite sex have, attract you?"
異性 isei = opposite sex
所 tokoro = places/points/part
(に)惹かれる ni hikareru = to feel attracted by; to be fascinated by
donna ko ga taipu?
"What's your type?"
子 ko = young woman/child/young (animal)
タイプ taipu = type/girl or guy you are attracted to
jyosei/dansei ni nani o motomemasuka?
"What do you look for in a girl/guy?"
女性 jyosei = women/woman
男性 dansei = men/man
求める mototeru = to want ; to wish for/ to search for; to pursue (pleasure); to hunt (a job)
今日のひとこと+ Today's additional lesson
絶対領域 (zettairyouiki) is a unique word to Japanese, which comes from anime. If you literally translate it, then it means "Absolute Territory". It actually refers to "the visible part of someone's thighs between their skirt or shorts and their knee-high socks"
The area is sacred and no-one can invade the area it so it started to be called "Absolute Territory"
It is said that Golden ratio for 絶対領域 (zettairyouiki) is
4:1:2.5 = Skirt length : Absolute Territory : above the knee of knee socks

まとめ Conclusion
Today we learned 「あなたは何フェチですか?」
anata wa nani fechi desuka?
”Whats your fetish?"
This helps to discover the surprising side of people😲
じゃあまた! jyaamata!