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お世話になっております polite greeting

Writer: Kevin Tamura BjørgeKevin Tamura Bjørge

Updated: Dec 4, 2020

When you don't know how to be polite especially on email, please use it to start the passage and you're all fine!! We always say this phrase to start a conversation in daily business situations and in daily life at school, hospital.

お世話になっております osewa ni natte orimasu. 

世話 sewa = care

世話になる sewa ni naru = to be taken care of

お世話になります osewa ni narimasu = I appreciate your kindness/cooperation in advance.

お世話になっております osewa ni natte orimasu = I appreciate your kindness/cooperation in advance. (more polite)

使い方 How to use the phrase

On the phone ...


(Moshimoshi itsumo osewa ni natte orimasu, Kevin desu.) "Hello this is Kevin. Thank you for always taking care of me."


(heiso yori osewa ni narimasu)

"Thank you for your continued business."


(Musume ga itsumo osewa ni natteimasu.)

"My daughter always troubles you. Thank you for taking care of her.

➡︎As a parent, if you see a teacher who you don't usually see, you'd better say this.

今日のポイント Today's Tips

*This is a formal expression so do not use the phrase to your friends, family.*

*you don't usually say this to your colleagues at the same company. Use it to your boss/doctors/your customers/teachers*

*You can use it in person, on e-mail/ on the phone.*

Today's additional lesson

How to write Japanese business email?

First of all, in order to write a Japanese letter, you need to learn 尊敬語(sonkeigo), which is the honorific form. The form is used to honor the person you are writing to.

And you have 謙譲語(kenjyougo), which is the humble form. This form is used to show respect to the person you are talking to.

E-mail is an important element of communication in Japanese business and you want to know how to structure sentences and letters if you are looking for jobs in japan.

Today, I'll show you the example for business email after being invited for a dinner.


subject: 本日のお礼(honjitsu no orei)


(osewa ni natte orimasu)

②kevinvin Japanese のケビンです

(Kevinvin Japanese no kebin desu)


(sakujitsu wa enkai no seki ni omaneki itadaki arigatougozaimasu)


(Takusan no ohanashi o ukagaukotoga deki taihen benkyou ni narimashita.)


(kon go tomo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu)


Subject: Appreciation for today

We appreciate your help as always. = greeting

This is kevin from Kevinvin japanese. = introducing

It was very kind of you to invite us to the dinner. = actual message

Listening to your valuable story has become very helpful to me. = Details

Thank you for your continued support. = Closing Phrase

まとめ Conclusion

I'm supposed to say お世話になっております to everyone who has liked my page and of course everyone who is involved in my life;)


じゃあまた! jyaamata!


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