This is a very common yet unique way to say someone is interested in you in a romantic way. It actually means “S/he has a pulse” or “S/he is alive”
脈あり myaku ari
脈 myaku = pulse
あり ari = to be/to have ↔︎ なし nashi = to not be/ to not have
脈あり myaku ari = to have pulse = to be alive
This turned to mean "S/he is interested in you” or ”I think you've got a chance with her.”
It can also be used in non romantic way. Then it means "it's promising" or "You can expect something to happen"
使い方 How to use today's phrase
kyou no deeto tanoshikattashi myakuari da to omou
“It was so much fun to go on a date and I think I've got a chance with her”
nee rain kidokumushi shiteruttekoto wa myakunashikana?
"So, ignoring my message on line means that I've got no chance with her anymore?"
既読無視 kidokumushi = leave on read
ということは toiukotowa = that is to say; so that means; in other words~
➡︎ JLPT N2 Grammar ってことは ttekotowa = more casual
脈なし myakunashi means "S/he is not interested in you” or ”don't have a chance with him/her.”
appule no mensetsu wa umaku itta kara myakuari dato omou
"I did well at the interview at Apple so I think I have a chance."
今日のポイント Today's Tips
*You can say 脈がありますよ myaku ga arimasuyo to make it more formal*
How to ask for others' romance?
saikin A-san to doudesuka?
"How is it going with A lately?"
A-san to wa jyun chyou desuka?
"Is everything going well with A?"
今日の発展版 Today's Advanced Level
coming soon...
今日のひとこと+ Today's additional lesson
coming soon..
まとめ Conclusion
Today we learned 「脈ありですよ」
How do you find out if you've got a chance or not? Or how do you give a sign?
You want to know so that people wouldn't need to give you millions of 脈なし not interested sign😂
じゃあまた! jyaamata!