if someone wants to be taller or more cute or cats, say this phrase, meaning "s/he is asking for the moon".
ないものねだり naimononedari
ない nai = nonexistent/not being
もの mono = thing/object
ねだりnedar = begging➡︎ to beg/ask for something that doesn't exist
= ①asking for the impossibles/to ask for the moon
②The grass is always greener on the other side.
【Examples of ないものねだり】
to wish that you were more handsome or more beautiful
to wish that you had a blond hair
to want your country to have cheap sushi
ないものねだりの使い方 How to use today's phrase
(wakatteiru kedo tsui tsui naimononedari shiteshimaimasu)
"I just can't help asking for the moon even though I know I shouldn't"
つい tsui = accidentally/by mistake/without thinking
→ used together with expression, てしまう teshimau
(naimononedari suruyori ima aru mono ni kanshya shimasyou)
“Let's just be thankful for what we have than asking for the impossible”
(naimononedari suruno wa ningen no saga desune)
"It's human nature to ask for the impossibles"
性 saga = nature
(naimononedari dato wakatte wa iruga boku mo jyasutin biibaa no youna kao ni umaretakatta)
"I know I'm asking too much but I wanted to be born with a face like Justin Bieber"
今日のポイント Today's Tips
*You usually use it as a noun ないものねだりする naimononedari suru "to ask for the moon"*
*We also say, 隣の芝は青い tonarino shiba wa aoi "The grass is always greener on the other side"
今日のひとこと+ Today's additional lesson
"ないものねだり" KANA-BOON

A song "ないものねだり" by KANA-BOON has been a huge hit and it hit more than 90million views on youtube. It is a rock song and has this great J-pop feel to it.
Let's look at the lyrics ☺️
いつだってワガママばっかで 子供みたいね →ワガママ wagamama
You’re always so selfish. Just like a child
君だってないものねだり 何が欲しいの?教えて →君 kimi = you (to lover/poetic)
Well you’re always asking for too much! What do you want? Tell me.
あっち見たりそっちを見たり 美人が好きなのね →美人 bijin = beautiful woman
You can’t keep your eyes to yourself You really like attractive girls, don’t you?
君だってさっきのカフェの 店員さんがタイプでしょ?答えて →タイプ taipu = type
Well, I couldn’t help but notice that you were sizing up that barista that cafe? Answer me.
ゆらゆらゆらゆら僕の心、風に吹かれて →ゆらゆら yurayura = Trembling/swaying
Trembling, trembling, My heart was blown away by the wind
Trembling, trembling, Your heart is scattered
ゆらゆらゆらゆら二人の恋は宙に舞っていく → 宙に舞っていく chuu ni matteiku= to soar up the sky
Your heart, it’s dancing up high
ゆらゆらゆらゆら綿毛みたいに揺れてる →綿毛 watage = cotton
Trembling, trembling, Quivering like the down from a cotton plant
さっきから聞いてないでしょ 私の話。
Are you even listening to what I am saying?
ねぇねぇ、聞いてよ そこのドーナツ屋来週オープンだって
Oh hey! By the way! I heard that there’s this doughnut shop that’s going to open next week
あーあ、2人で行こうと思ってたのに → あーあ aaa = used to show disappointment
Aghh, even though I thought we’d go as a couple.
Aghh, even though I thought to let you go with!
Trembling, trembling, My heart was rained on
Trembling, trembling, Your heart has been scattered around
Trembling, trembling, Our love is revolving in space
Trembling, trembling, It’s burning up like a cigarette
ゆらゆらゆらゆら僕の心、過去に囚われ → 過去にとらわれる= Be trapped in the past
Trembling, trembling My heart was taken captive by the past
Trembling, tremblingYour heart will be erased by the future
Trembling, trembling, my heart
Trembling, trembling, you heart
Trembling, trembling, My heart was blown away by the wind
Your heart, it’s dancing up high
Trembling, trembling, my heart
Trembling, trembling, you heart
まとめ Conclusion
Today we learned 「ないものねだり」naimononedari
”asking for the moon"
The phrase says accepting yourself and situation as they are maybe is a key to the happiness.
But for me it takes me more wrinkles to learn that better😂
じゃあまた! jyaamata!