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ラブラブですね you are lovely couple

Writer: Kevin Tamura BjørgeKevin Tamura Bjørge

A unique phrase we invented from English is used for lovely, cute couple.

ラブラブですね  raburabu desune

①You guys are sweet/lovely couple

②You’re so lovey-dovey

③such cute lovebirds.

The phrase is categorized as 和製英語 waseieigo "Japanese English". The phrase is made of English word, "love".

ラブラブの使い方 How to use today's phrase


(uwaa pearukku nanka shite, raburabu desune)

"wow you guys are so lovey-dovey wearing matching outfits"

ペアルック pearukku = Matching outfits

なんか nanka= used after NOUN to express your strong emotion


(raburabu danee. riajyuu urayama shii )

“You guys are lovely couple. I'm so jealous of you lucky guy.”

だねー danee = casual version of ですね desune

リア充 riajyuu = a person living the life/ person with happy life


(futari wa raburabu dakara sotto shite okimasyou)

“Those two are such a sweet couple so let's leave them alone”

そっとしておく sotto shiteoku = leave O alone

今日のポイント Today's Tips

*The phrase is used also for something couple does in a moment. So if you see someone kissing or talking in a romantic way you can say the phrase. Then the phrase would mean more like "you guys are so in love"

How to ask for others' relationship?

最近(name of your partner)とどう? → to be polite, simply add ですか desuka

(saikin (name of your partner)to dou?)

"How is it going with ()?"

(name of your partner)と上手くいっていますか?

((name of your partner)to umaku itte imasuka”)

"Are you doing well with ()?"

今日の発展版 Today's Advanced Level

Synonyms for describing couples ...



(ichya ichya suruna)

"Don't flirt"

イチャイチャする ichya ichya suru = to flirt


(oniai dane)

"you look perfect together"


(ima ichiban shiawase daroune)

"Now must be the happiest moment in your relationship"

今日のひとこと+ Today's additional lesson

kissing in public in Japan 

In Japan, people have tendency not to show off their relationships and skills etc. So kissing or hugging in public is still not favored so much by people.

According to 博報堂 hakuho-do, only 8.1% of people are open to public kiss (2020).

Japanese do think healthy loving couple is a great thing. But we think it is not a good thing to show off about ourselves. That applies to our education, body, and our economy.

We even have a internet slang for those who are jealous of happy couple.

リア充爆発しろ(riajyuu bakuhatsu shiro) "The person who has girl friends or the boyfriend must explode"

Even though the word is a joke but if your Japanese girlfriend/boyfriend is too humble to kiss you in public, s/he might just not want to explode🤣

check out the interesting video, interviewing people about the topic☺️

まとめ Conclusion

Today we learned 「ラブラブですね」

raburabu desune

”you are lovely couple"

じゃあまた! jyaamata!


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