A cute expression which says, "you are useless" with some affection towards the person.
ポンコツ ponkotsu
A word is an onomatopoeia, which comes from a sound of hitting someone with a fist. It turned to mean break down an old, broken car. It means, therefore, "a piece of junk" or "a useless person"
However, just as it sounds so cute, we usually only use it to someone close to you in an affectionate way. So don't cry if someone says it to you. There's high chance that s/he likes you🤣
ポンコツの使い方 How to use today's phrase
(boku no tomodachi wa ponkotsu bakari desu)
“My friends are all jerks”
omae honto ponkotsu danaa. ore ga inaito damedana
“You are soo unreliable. You can't do anything without me.”
お前 omae = masculine/casual way to say "you". ONLY use it to close friends.
"kono kyara wa ponkotsu dakedo soko ga suki nan dayonee"
"This character is so useless and goofy but that is what I like about it."
キャラ kyara = character
今日のポイント Today's Tips
*The synonim is 役立たず(yakutatazu)"useless person" but this sounds quit offensive so be careful to use that.*
今日の発展版 Today's Advanced Level
If you want to say someones personality without offending them, try using these words.
①天然ですね → use it to someone who always say weird stuff.
(ten nen desune)
"You are goofy/empty-minded"
天然 ten nen = natural これは天然魚です(kore wa ten nen zakana desu) This fish is caught from wild.
②個性的ですね → use it to someone who you just don't understand.
koseiteki desu ne
"You are unique"
→ use it to someone who
③自分に嘘をつかないですね。 → use it to someone who can't read the air (くうき を よめない)
(Jibun ni uso o tsukanai desu ne)
"You don't lie to youself"
嘘をつく uso o tsuku = to lie
今日のひとこと+ Today's additional lesson
The guy in the video is a famous mans idol group member. He is said to be ポンコツイケメン(ponkotsu) "useless" + イケメン(ikemen)"handsome guy". It portrays good examples of being ポンコツ. He behaves like an "unreliable and useless person" but that seems to make women want to cheer him up and protect him 🤣
What is your impression on this guy?
まとめ Conclusion
Today we learned 「ポンコツですね」
ponkotsu desune
”You are totally useless (but I like you)"
It's never a bad idea to have a ポンコツ friend around you. The person tends to have some unique charm☺️
じゃあまた! jyaamata!