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社会の窓空いてますよ your fly is open

Writer: Kevin Tamura BjørgeKevin Tamura Bjørge

Updated: Dec 4, 2020

This is a funny way to say someones zipper is open. It actually means "your social window is open"

This word "social window" comes from the TV program in 1948. They used to use this word to raise the social problems which are hidden. So it turned to mean this.

社会の窓空いてますよ shakai no mado aitemasuyo

your fly is open

社会 shakai = society

窓 mado = window

あいてます aitemasu = open

➡︎ your social window is open➡︎your fly is open

使い方 How to use today's phrase


tanakasan, Shakai no mado aitemasuyo

"Mr. Tanaka, your social window is open"

「社会の窓開いてますよ!」 syakai no mado aitemasuyo "your fly is open"

「え?」 e? "what?"

「チャックのことですよ」tyakku no koto desuyo "I'm talking about your zipper"

➡︎You would directly say チャック空いてますよ tyakku aitemasuyo "your zipper is open"

今日の発展版 Today's Advanced Level

Ways to say something awkward in a softer manner.



chichi ga jyouhatsu shimashita

"My father went missing"

蒸発する jyouhatsu suru = to evaporate


haha ga nakunarimashita

"My mother passed away"

You may use 死にました shinimashita "died" for animals, but it sounds too direct if you say it for your family, relatives.


kebin san wa chotto

"Kevin san is kind of.........(something negative)"

ちょっと chotto = used instead of rejecting something or saying something negative

今日のひとこと+ Today's additional lesson

What do they say when someones' zipper is open over the world?

ギリシャ語 Greekお店、開店中ですね (omise kaitentyuu desune)

"your shop is open"

フランス語 French 「給料日ですよ(kyuuryoubi desuyo)」

"Today is payday"

広東語 Cantonese「電車は駅についてない (densya wa eki ni tsuitenai)

"The train hasn't arrived at the station"

オランダ語 Dutch 「うさぎが逃げてますよ(usagi ga nigetemasuyo)」

"your rabbit has run away"

So much fun to see the difference😀

まとめ Conclusion

We can see that it's not always easy to say things directly and there's always a way to get around😂

Try to amuse your friends using this phrase.

Life always needs some entertainment

じゃあまた! jyaamata! あっ、社会の窓、開いてますよ!


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